If you make a payment online and require a refund, the following terms and conditions will apply:
- A request must be made within five (5) business days.
- To make a request you must notify us by submitting your request by letter to 37 Pine Road, Belleville, Michael or by email to
- Your refund, once approved by us, will be processed within two (5) business days.
- All refunds will be made to the credit card from which the original payment was made. If this cannot be done for reasons beyond the control of Sentry Insurance Brokers, a cheque will be made out to the cardholder.
- Cash refunds are not available for online payments.
- Refund payments may be subject to special terms and conditions if there has been a claim. Please check the Cancellation Policy on your Policy or contact us for more details.
- Refunds will be made in the same currency that the original payment was made.